Sep 26, 2011

Field Trip to the Opera


This year,the Honduran Musical Foundation will stage the Opera Buffa "The Secret Marriage" by Domenico Cimarosa.

Students from grades 6 - 12 will attend the presentation on Friday, Oct. 7 at Manuel Bonilla Theater. Tickets already on sale at the music room with Ms. Norma López (L. 225) We will leave the school campus at 8:30 a.m. Students from grades 6-8 will returned to the school at 1:00 p.m.
Students from grades 9 -12 will stop by the Identity Museum to observe the Picasso Art Exhibit (they will need to pay Ms. Campbell, L.30.00 extra to enter the Museum) and will come back to school around 1:45 p.m.


Students MUST wear formal clothes. (No tennis shoes or jeans)

Students must have a very good breakfast because we won't be allowed to eat at the theater or museum.

Sep 9, 2011

Independence Day

Independence Day Celebration

Tuesday, September 13th

Middle and High School – Breakfast at 8:00 am- 1st period homeroom (regular classes 2nd period)
Independence Day Celebration from 10:00-11:45 a.m.
In the Secondary (Middle and High School) teachers will send a notification assigning what each student should bring to share with their grade for their breakfast.
We are also encouraging children (and teachers too!) to wear “Honduran” clothes on this day. This may be a typical Honduran outfit (traje tipico), the National Soccer Team sports outfit, any creative dress up that is representative of Honduras, or simply blue and white.

Enjoy your Independence Day break.  This would be a great time to get ahead on Science Fair reasearch.  Remember that the first two sources must be reviewed and notes taken by Friday, September 23rd.

Also- please check out the cafeteria blog-