Dec 5, 2011


 As a tradition at Discovery School, we are starting our drive for the support personnel holiday baskets. Please send these items no later than Tuesday, December 13th.  Your cooperation is deeply appreciated.

Pre Kinder and 6th grade students 1 5-lb bag of beans

Kinder and 7th grade students 1 5 lb bag of rice

1st grade and 8th grade students 1 5-lb bag of sugar

2nd grade and 9th grade students 1 bottle or 2 bags of oil, 2 boxes of margarine, OR

3 lbs of lard

3rd grade and 10th grade students 1 4lb-bag of MASECA

4th grade and 11th grade students 3 lbs of spaghetti (six packages) OR 1 bag of coffee

5th grade and 12th grade students 4 packages of tomato paste

Semester Exams

Students in 9th-12th grades will take semester exams from Dec 12-14th.   Students should begin to prepare for these exams as soon as possible. 
Tips to help students prepare:
- Make a study guide
- Study with friends
- Ask your teacher to review topics you don't understand
- Study in small chunks
- Take a small study break every 20 mins or so (then go back to studying)
- Get a good night's sleep before the exam
- Eat a good breakfast before the exam

Oct 21, 2011


UN Day
As an international school, we are excited to celebrate all the nations represented at our school this Friday, October 28th at our annual UN Day festival.  Parents and students are invited to enjoy the sights, sounds, and tastes of the many nations represented at our school.  Activites start at 9 AM.

Oct 8, 2011

End of First Quarter

The end of first quarter is Friday, October 14th. 
This is time for students to evaluate their performance and make goals for 2nd quarter. 
Questions to consider:  What have I done well first quarter?
                                    What have I enjoyed doing first quarter?
                                     In what subjects am I excelling?
                                     In what subjects am I struggling?
                                     What have I done to learn material (study)
                                      that has been successful/unsuccessful?
                                     What goals do I have for 2nd quarter? 
                                     What steps do I need to take to accomplish these goals?
                                     Who can I ask to help me accomplish these goals? 
                                      (teachers; parents; classmates)
This is also time for students to catch up on missing work.


Sep 26, 2011

Field Trip to the Opera


This year,the Honduran Musical Foundation will stage the Opera Buffa "The Secret Marriage" by Domenico Cimarosa.

Students from grades 6 - 12 will attend the presentation on Friday, Oct. 7 at Manuel Bonilla Theater. Tickets already on sale at the music room with Ms. Norma López (L. 225) We will leave the school campus at 8:30 a.m. Students from grades 6-8 will returned to the school at 1:00 p.m.
Students from grades 9 -12 will stop by the Identity Museum to observe the Picasso Art Exhibit (they will need to pay Ms. Campbell, L.30.00 extra to enter the Museum) and will come back to school around 1:45 p.m.


Students MUST wear formal clothes. (No tennis shoes or jeans)

Students must have a very good breakfast because we won't be allowed to eat at the theater or museum.

Sep 9, 2011

Independence Day

Independence Day Celebration

Tuesday, September 13th

Middle and High School – Breakfast at 8:00 am- 1st period homeroom (regular classes 2nd period)
Independence Day Celebration from 10:00-11:45 a.m.
In the Secondary (Middle and High School) teachers will send a notification assigning what each student should bring to share with their grade for their breakfast.
We are also encouraging children (and teachers too!) to wear “Honduran” clothes on this day. This may be a typical Honduran outfit (traje tipico), the National Soccer Team sports outfit, any creative dress up that is representative of Honduras, or simply blue and white.

Enjoy your Independence Day break.  This would be a great time to get ahead on Science Fair reasearch.  Remember that the first two sources must be reviewed and notes taken by Friday, September 23rd.

Also- please check out the cafeteria blog-

Aug 30, 2011

Science Fair

Science Fair
Feburary 16, 2012

While Feburary may seem so far away, Science Fair will soon be here.  Our students will begin the first steps of their projects soon!  We are so excited to see all our students explore scientific questions of their choosing.  To find out more about the project's details and upcoming due dates, check out the Science Fair Page of this website.  Click on the link in the right hand column to go there.

Aug 14, 2011

Class Pages

Individual class pages are now ready!  Here you will find weekly updates about each class and the upcoming assignments and tests in each one.  Find your class in the column to the right!

Aug 8, 2011

Welcome to a new school year filled with exploration, discovery, and amazement of the world that surrounds us!

My name is Christina Agurcia, and I am originally from Illinois. I graduated from Lincoln Christian College with a BS in Bible and from Illinois State University with a BS in Biology. I am certified by the State of Illinois to teach a wide range of science subjects, including biology, chemistry, and physics. As well, I have taken graduate education courses in zoology, botany, chemistry, and physics. To continue gaining knowledge about pedagogical technique, I also have participated in teacher workshop events, such as the ones offered by Discovery School and Escuela International Sampedrana in San Pedro Sula, and most recently, an AP environmental science training at Conserve School in northern Wisconsin.

This will be my ninth year in the teaching profession and my fifth year as the eighth through twelfth grade science teacher at Discovery School. Previously, I taught one year at a private school here in Tegucigalpa and three years at a public school in the States.
I am looking forward to developing an excellent working relationship with you. Outside of school, the best way to contact me is through email. My email address is If you would like to meet with me outside of class, I would be happy to schedule an appointment with you. Most days, I am available between 7:30-8:00 am, at break, at lunch, and 3:00-3:30 pm. If you have any concerns or do not understand a topic, please see me.

This year, you will have online access to your grades through the website Engrade.  Your individual, privately secured login will be given to you in class.  You are encouraged to check your grade frequently to map your process in class and keep track of any missing work.

Looking forward to a great year!

Sincerely, Mrs. Agurcia

May 20, 2011

Semester Exams

Senior exams begin next week, and 8th-11th grade exams will be held May 31st-June 2nd.  In order to prepare for exams, students should be reviewing concepts and practicing problems.  Making a study guide may also be helpful.  (The 8th grade students are required to complete a study guide which I have prepared for them.)  Studying daily for 20-30 minutes at a time is much more effective than one large study session. 
Remember to prepare your body well for the exam.  Get a good night's rest and eat a good breakfast before the exam. 
The science exams are scheduled:
           - Monday, May 23th- Physics
           - Friday, May 27th- AP Environmental Science
           - Wednesday, June 1st- Environmental Science & Physical Science

Mar 21, 2011

Fourth Quarter

Fourth quarter is here

Be sure to keep up with your work and finish the year well!
Semester exams will take place at the end of the quarter.  Start spending a bit of time each week to review.

Now that I'm a new mom, my schedule has changed.  I will be leaving school at 12 o'clock each day.  If you need to see me during the day, please do so before then.  Parents, if you want to schedule a conference, please let me know, so I can arrange a time with you.  I will not be at school on Friday afternoon for the regularly scheduled conferences. 

Now here's a picture of my little man- Nathan!