Nov 16, 2012

Make Christmas 2012 special for a child
Nuestro Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) is an international organization that takes in abandoned and orphaned children, providing a home and education.  Here in Honduras, the NPH organization provides for over 500 children in at large ranch near La Venta and home in Tegucigalpa for severely handicapped children.   While many children at the ranch have aunts, uncles, or grandparents that come to visit them and can provide some Christmas gifts, some children at a ranch have no family to visit.  It is these children, whom we would like to provide for this Christmas.   On the second floor of the secondary building, a NPH Giving Tree will be set up.   Choose a paper tree that has a child’s information about his/her size for shoes or socks.  Purchase the new item and return it to Mrs. Agurcia’s Room (Rm. 7) by Tuesday, December 4th, with the tree tag taped to it.  As well, there are tree tags for basic food items that will be donated to the orphanage.  Cash donations will also be accepted to provide shoes and socks for children whose tags were not selected.  Thank you for giving this Christmas!
If more information about NPH’s work in Honduras, please visit  

Aug 20, 2012

Ecofriendly Lunch Day

Friday, August 24th

Pack a waste free lunch!
Join in the fun activities to help us learn ways to reduce waste!
Activities will be held during elementary lunch recess!

Aug 7, 2012

Welcome Back to School

Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s),
            Welcome to a great year of learning about the beautiful world that surrounds us!  I am excited for a new school year to begin and to join with you in educating your student about the wonders of the world.
            My name is Christina Agurcia, and I am originally from Illinois.  I graduated from Lincoln Christian College with a BS in Bible and from Illinois State University with a BS in Biology.  I am certified by the State of Illinois to teach a wide range of science subjects, including biology, chemistry, and physics.  As well, I have taken graduate education courses in zoology, botany, chemistry, and physics.  To continue gaining knowledge about pedagogical technique, I also have participated in teacher workshop events, such as the ones offered by Discovery School and Escuela International Sampedrana in San Pedro Sula, and most recently, this summer, a workshop on environmental education hosted by the Wildlife Conservation Society.
This will be my tenth year in the teaching profession and my sixth year as the eighth through twelfth grade science teacher at Discovery School.  Previously, I taught one year at a private school here in Tegucigalpa and three years at a public school in the United States of America. 
I am looking forward to developing an excellent working relationship with you.  It is important that we keep in close contact about your students’ progress.  Each week I will be updating a blog, which will have information about the material being covered in class, student activities and homework, as well, as upcoming dates for projects and tests.  The blog address is  Students and parents should check the blog weekly to follow your student’s class.   On the blog, you will also find a weekly list of the “In Crowd”  (for Physical Science and Biology, only).  This is a list of students who have turned in all their assignments for the previous week.  Students will receive positive recognition for being part of the “In Crowd.”  If you do not see your student’s name on this list, please discuss the missing work with him/her.  As well, you can follow your student’s progress through checking the online grading program, Engrade.  This program creates a personal, secure account by which you can access your student’s grade and list of outstanding work.  Instructions for accessing your student’s individual account, with their personal access code, will be sent to your email and given out at Open House. 
Classtime is valuable, and therefore, a student should attempt be at school as much as possible.  However, if a student is absent, he/she is responsible to complete all make-up work.  Make-up work can be found in the “make-up” folder for his or her class.  Any missed notes can be copied from a fellow student.  If a student missed a test/quiz/lab, she/he will need make an appointment to complete the work.  For excused absences, students are given one day to make-up work per each absent day.  For one or two day excused absences, the students should be prepared to take any pre-scheduled test or quiz and submit any large project upon returning to school. For a longer absence, the student will not be required to take a test or quiz on the first two days after returning to school.  For preplanned absences, a student is to notify the teacher in writing previous to the absence (at least 3 days).  The teacher will assign work, giving a schedule to work to be complete before the absence.  No credit will be given for unexcused absences or absences due to suspension. 
If you need to contact me individually, the best way is through email.  My email address is  The office will also take messages for me.  If you would like to meet with me, I would be happy to schedule an appointment with you. 
If your student has any concerns or does not understand a topic, please encourage him/her to see me.  I am available most days during snack and lunch and can also be before or after school, by appointment.
Thank you for entrusting me in joining you in the education of your student!
                                          Christina Agurcia

Additional Information:
 Link for school calender-

May 18, 2012


The end of the school year that is.  Students should be diligently preparing for semester exams and finishing up any missing and/or late work.  I will only be accepting late work and/or extra credit up until Friday, May 25th.  After that date, I will not accept work!  Be sure to check Engrade for a list of your missing work.

Semester Exam Schedule:

12th grade schedule      (Library)

Wednesday, May 23
Thursday, May 24
Friday, May 25
8:00 – 10:00



 AP Literature and Composition

10:30 – 12:30
US History


* AP Human Geography @ 12:00

8th grade – 11th grade

Tuesday, May 29
Wednesday, May 30
Thursday, May 31
8:00 – 10:00

* Recuperation Exam for 6th and 12th

* Recuperation Exam for 6th and 12th

*National Anthem Exam for 6th and 12thgrade

10:30 – 12:30
Social Studies


May 7, 2012

ABSH Science Fair

 Congratulations to Valeria Martinez, Gabriel Rodriguez, Victoria Glynn, Andrea Figueroa, and Maria Jose Lizardo who represented our school at the ABSH Science Fair last Friday and Saturday, May 4th and 5th at the Mayan School.  Discovery School students continue to represent us very well, with the following results:
- Valeria Martinez- 7th grade- Water With Strawberries- Honorable Mention
- Gabriel Rodriguez- 8th grade- Soil vs. Hydroponics- Honorable Mention
- Victoria Glynn- 9th grade- Please Go To Sleep- Excellent
- Andrea Figueroa- 10th grade- Effects of Media on Food Choice- Very Good
- Maria Jose Lizardo- 12th grade- Human Disposition to Voice- Honorable Mention

Mar 30, 2012

Have a safe and happy vacation! 
Enjoy some time with family and friends!
Don't forget the sunblock!

When we return from vacation, be ready for a fast and furious ride to the end of the school year.  Its' not over yet!  We've got lots to discover and enjoy in science class!

Mar 9, 2012

End of Third Quarter

Thursday, March 15th marks the end of third quarter.  Students should prepare themselves to finish the quarter well.
-Students should make sure all missing assignments are completed.
-Also, student should check the "no name" folders to check for any of their work.
-Study for final tests give this week.
-Complete any extra credit assignments.
Mrs. Agurcia will be accepting missing/late work until Tuesday, March 13th at 3:15 PM.  Any work not completed by this time will be counted as a zero!

Feb 27, 2012

Environmental Science Notes

Nature Reserves
žMaybe called preserves, reserves, parks, or biospheres.
žLand legally set aside in a large enough area to prevent or minimize harm from human activities.
Currently 12% of earth’s land area is protected.
Only 5% is strictly protected from harmful human activities.
Conservation biologists call for full protection of at least 20% of earth’s land area representing multiple examples of all biomes.
Problems with Nature Reserves
Local people invade park for wood, cropland,  and other natural resources.
Loggers, miners, and wildlife poachers also deplete natural resources.
Many are too small to sustain large-animal species.
Many suffer from invasive species.
High levels of visitors disrupt the ecosystem.
Air pollution due to vehicles
Noise pollution from guests
Animals become adapted to humans’ resources (trash) rather than their natural resources.
žSuggestions for sustaining and expanding the national park system in the U.S.

žCountries have established more than 1,100 national parks, but most are threatened by human activities.
žLarge and medium-sized reserves with buffer zones help protect biodiversity and can be connected by corridors.

žA model biosphere reserve that contains a protected inner core surrounded by two buffer zones that people can use for multiple use.
žMultiple-Use Area- human settlements; roads; farming
Scientists work with locals to train them to conserve resources and value the biodiversity in their area
žBuffer zone- creates a buffer between humans activities and nature- research and ecotourism
žCore area- ideally, no human activities take place here
žGeographic Information System (GIS) mapping can be used to understand and manage ecosystems.
Identify areas to establish and connect nature reserves in large ecoregions to prevent fragmentation.
Developers can use GIS to design housing developments with the least environmental impact.
žWe can prevent or slow down losses of biodiversity by concentrating efforts on protecting global hot spots where significant biodiversity is under immediate threat.
žConservation biologists are helping people in communities find ways to sustain local biodiversity while providing local economic income.
žWilderness is land legally set aside in a large enough area to prevent or minimize harm from human activities.
žOnly a small percentage of the land area of the United States has been protected as wilderness.
žWilderness is land legally set aside in a large enough area to prevent or minimize harm from human activities.
žOnly a small percentage of the land area of the United States has been protected as wilderness.
žRestoration: trying to return to a condition as similar as possible to original state.
žRehabilitation: attempting to turn a degraded ecosystem back to being functional.
žReplacement: replacing a degraded ecosystem with another type of ecosystem.
žCreating artificial ecosystems: such as artificial wetlands for flood reduction and sewage treatment.
žFive basic science-based principles for ecological restoration:
Identify cause.
Stop abuse by eliminating or sharply reducing factors.
Reintroduce species if necessary.
Protect area form further degradation.
Use adaptive management to monitor efforts, assess successes, and modify strategies
rights issues- Who owns the land and can the government demand it to be restored?
žLocal usage- Locals may continue to use the land in the same ways, preventing full restoration
žFinancial- Who will pay for it?
žSoil degradation may prevent natural succession from occurring

Feb 17, 2012


A big congratulations to all the students who completed their science fair projects and displayed them at this year's science fair.  We are always impressed with the creativity and diligent effort our students put into these projects.  A special congratulations goes out to our winners in each grade.  They are as follows:
7th grade: 1st place- Valeria; 2nd place- Mikayla; 3rd place- Santiago 
8th grade:  1st place- Gabriel; 2nd place- Eduardo; 3rd place- Nikolas
9th grade: 1st place- Victoria; 2nd place- Kaya; 3rd place- Dylan 
10th grade: 1st place- Andrea 
11th grade:  1st place- Tiffany; 2nd place- Santiago; 3rd place- Catalina 
12th grade: 1st place- Adriana; 2nd place- Maria Jose; 3rd place- Renee

Jan 30, 2012


Science Fair is quickly approaching.  Students should be diligently working to finalize their project.  
The science fair packet should be complete by Tuesday, January 31st and submitted to Mrs. Agurcia for review.  
Students should begin working on their display boards.  Display boards are available for sale for L150 in Mrs. Agurcia's room.  
Student's in-class presentations will begin Wednesday, Feburary 10th.  Practice, practice, practice!
Science Fair will take place the morning of Thursday, Feburary 16th.  Parents are invited to join us this morning from 8:30-10:00 AM!

Jan 17, 2012


  • Professional Development Wednesday: Our third Staff Development Wednesday will take place on Wednesday, January 18. Please note that we are meeting on the 18th instead of the last Wednesday of the month. Mr. Jose Cordon will lead a training on how to use the Mimio technology—including time for teachers to ‘play’ with it. This is an early dismissal day (PM Schedule) for students. We will also include the Pearls of Wisdom according to the schedule that is posted on the copy room window—which means that Valencia and Sophia, and Ashley and Regina will start off the afternoon for us.
Do you know the world our children are living in?
Do you know how to talk to your children about their sexuality?
Are you ready to be a parent of a teenager or a pre-teen?
Date:  Friday January 20th
Time: 1:30pm to 3:00 p.m.
Where: Discovery School, Grade 3 Classroom          
This workshop is geared toward all parents from 2nd grade and up.

We will talk about our ever-changing world and how being aware of those changes will aid in understanding your teens or pre-teens.

DPTO Fun Run: Our annual school Fun Run will take place on Saturday, January 28, beginning at 8:30 a.m. There will be the traditional run, games, and a complimentary pancake and fruit breakfast to follow. The pledge forms were sent before the Winter Holiday; however, if you would like an additional copy, please download it from the Area Administrators’ blogs.

Jan 2, 2012

Welcome Back!

Are you ready to begin 3rd quarter?  I hope you had a refreshing Christmas break and are ready to begin the new year with great goals of success.  Science Fair is in full swing; you should begin your experimentation NOW if you have not already done so.
Here are some general announcements :

  • Sweaters/Jackets and Other Objects: we ask parents (especially the Elementary parents) to label all their child’s belongings with a permanent marker. This makes it easier for us to help you look for things if they are misplaced or lost. Furthermore, we ask for your cooperation by sending back with your child any item he/she brings home that does not belong to him, and to notify the homeroom teacher about it (by text message, email or phone call).
  • Parent Workshop: Our school counselor, Ms. Ivonne Casco, will be hosting a workshop for parents on Friday, January 20, at 1:30 p.m. Information will be posted on her blog.
  • Report Cards and Conferences: Report Cards will be issued on Friday, January 13. This is an early dismissal (AM Schedule) day for students. Conferences are on an ‘as-needed’ basis.
  • Professional Development Wednesday: Our third Staff Development Wednesday will take place on Wednesday, January 18. Please note that we are meeting on the 18th instead of the last Wednesday of the month. Mr. Jose Cordon will lead a training on how to use the Mimio technology—including time for teachers to ‘play’ with it. This is an early dismissal day (PM Schedule) for students.
  • DPTO Fun Run: Our annual school Fun Run will take place on Saturday, January 28, beginning at 8:30 a.m. There will be the traditional run, games, and a complimentary pancake and fruit breakfast to follow. The pledge forms were sent before the Winter Holiday, however, if you would like an additional copy, please download it from the Area Administrators’ blogs.