Nov 17, 2013

Weekly Announcements

MIDTERM REPORTS – Midterm reports will be issued this Friday, November 22. Please make sure you ask your child for his/her report. If a conference was not requested by a teacher but you would like to have one, please contact the school to set up an appointment.
FROM THE COUNSELOR: We invite you to visit our teacher and administrator blogs and become a follower of the ones for which you wish to receive updates. There's always valuable information posted on them that you might find useful with your children. All you need to do is click on "Participar en este sitio" or "Follow this site" and provide your name and email information, and you will be notified of updates to that particular blog automatically. You can follow as many blogs as you would like to.
FROM THE SCHOOL’S CAFETERIA -  Please visit the Cafeteria blog for information on the delicious Pecan, Apple and Pumpkin pies that can be ordered for your Thanksgiving celebrations. The cafeteria is also offering a meal for the classroom festivities at a very attractive price!
LAST WEEK FOR DONATIONS  FOR “YA TENGO DONDE ESCRIBIR”:  Don’t forget to send in cereal boxes. Wednesday, November 20 is the last day! The grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!
CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE:  Nuestro Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) is an international organization that takes in abandoned and orphaned children, providing a home and education.  Here in Honduras, the NPH organization provides for over 500 children in at large ranch near La Venta and home in Tegucigalpa for severely handicapped children.   While many children at the ranch have aunts, uncles, or grandparents that come to visit them and can provide some Christmas gifts, some children at a ranch have no family to visit.  It is these children whom we would like to provide for this Christmas.   On the second floor of the secondary building, a NPH Giving Tree will be set up.   Choose a paper tree that has a child’s information about his/her size for shoes or socks.  Purchase the new item and return it to Mrs. Agurcia’s Room (Rm. 7) by Tuesday, December 10th, with the tree tag taped to it.  As well, there are tree tags for basic food items that will be donated to the orphanage.  Cash donations will also be accepted to provide shoes and socks for children whose tags were not selected.  Thank you for giving this Christmas!  For more information about NPH’s work in Honduras, please visit 

COMMUNITY SERVICE CLUB:  There will be a meeting of the Community Service Club on Tuesday, November 19th in Mrs. Agurcia's Room (Rm.7) at lunch.  All secondary students are welcome.
SCIENCE FAIR:  Please remember that Science Fair will be held on Friday, December 6th.  That day, all 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10A students will be involved in the fair during 3rd and 4th periods. First period will proceed as normal and 1/2 of 2nd period will be used to set up the fair on the second floor of the secondary building.  As well, students with top projects will be asked to present their project to a visiting judge that afternoon in the library (meaning the library will not be available for classes that afternoon).  Students from other classes will be invited to visit the fair in the following schedule:  6A, 6B, 10B, 11, and 12 during 3rd period, and elementary classes during 4th period (10:53-11:43).  More details about the schedule will be given closer to the fair.

Nov 3, 2013

Weekly Annoucments

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT THIS WEEK -  Missi Love is returning for a follow-up training at the end of this week. She will work with all of our teachers on the Four Blocks Literacy Program, Literature Circles, and 6+1 Traits of Writing, and guide teachers’ discussions of how they grade written work, and why. This will take place on Friday, November 8 and Saturday, November 9. These two days will be full working days for teachers.  There will be no school for students on Friday, November 8 as stated in the school calendar.
DONATIONS NEEDED:  Please remember to send in cereal boxes for Ya Tengo Donde Escribir” between now and November 20. The grade that brought the most boxes will be awarded a pizza party or ice cream party! Please help us help those in need!

GOOD NEWS! THE SECONDARY SCHOOL (grades 6 -11) IS NOW USING IXL FOR MATH – This is a comprehensive math site with an unlimited number of practice questions in hundreds of skills. One of the best things about IXL is that your child can access it from home, so you have a chance to see your child's progress! IXL assesses our students' understanding as they practice.
In addition to making math practice exciting, IXL is designed to help your child learn at his or her own pace. The website is adaptive and will adjust to your child's demonstrated ability level. The site also saves all of your child's results, so you can monitor your child's progress anytime by clicking on Reports at the top of the page. Please encourage your son or daughter to use IXL daily. Here's to a year of working together to make math fun for your child!
Check your child’s math teacher blog to find out what skills they are practicing every week.
PASSING GRADE ACCORDING TO THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION - We would like to remind parents that the passing grade for the Ministry is 70%. Therefore, your child needs to score at least 70% in each subject in order to avoid coming to recuperation exam/s, which are now required at the end of every quarter. The final grade for the quarter is an average of the failing grade and the recup grade. We encourage you to check blogs and ENGRADE on a weekly basis, and to keep in close communication with teachers.
STUDY SKILLS WORKSHOPS - To help improve students' overall academic performance we are offering the following mandatory Study Skills Workshops in the Library:
    • Middle School (grades 6-8): Wednesday, November 13, from 8:00-9:40 a.m.
    • High School (grades 9-12): Wednesday, November, 13 from 10:00-11:40 a.m.
These workshops are geared to students in particular. On a later date we will offer workshops that are more focused on parental support at home.